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Aparece en la discografía de

The Debt I Owe

Versión de Lou Reed
Every day, several times a day, a thought comes over me.
I owe more debts than I ever can pay back more money than I'll ever see.

I walk around the streets of Coney Island . I look through the windows of every store. I peep through the hallways and the doorways and I think of this debt I owe.

I feel like a piece of crushed wreckage, some smashed car in a salvage yard, a vision of an old newspaper blown across an old navy yard, a curbstone chipped and beaten, a piece of gum stuck to a shoe, an empty pack of used matches, an empty version of you.

People stroll and they saunter like papercups thrown in the trash. They're crawling all over the sidewalks, their wallets stuck in their pants. And it comes over me like a mist rising, a fog falling over a ship. The bell is ringing out danger, but it's too late to cancel this trip.

I see the mist rising before me, my hand reappears by my face. By my waist a cold empty pocket, on my wrist the tears from your face. And I think of what I thought this cold morning, it's the same thing I'm thinking at three. I owe more than I can ever pay back, more than I'll ever see.

I think of what I thought this cold morning, I think of what I'm thinking at three. At ten and at midnight the same damn thing, I wish this debt was about money.





Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

El jueves 14 de marzo Mayte Martín presentó en el Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla su nuevo espectáculo: Tatuajes. Se trata de una colección de joyas de grandes autores universales llevados magistralmente al territorio particular de la artista. Con este concierto y con el disco que lleva el mismo nombre, rinde homenaje a la canción de autor más global, a la que traspasa fronteras y conforma una parte primordial de la memoria sentimental de diferentes generaciones.

Novedad discográfica

por Carles Gracia Escarp el 03/04/2024

Desde los veintiún años la argentina Carmen Aciar es una barcelonesa más, llegó para descubrirse en su arte por las calles de Barcelona, sumando sus propias historias desde que llegó en ese agosto de 2022 para habitar esta ciudad en sus incertidumbres, sus composiciones ya conforman su primer disco Historias mías.