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Aparece en la discografía de

Waiting At The Gate

Versión de Woody Guthrie
Tell the miners' kids and wives,
There's a blast in the number five.
And the families I see standing at the gate.
The inspector years ago said number five's a deadly hole,
And the men most likely won't come out alive.

Waiting at the gate, we are waiting at the gate.
Smoke and fire just boil and roll from that dark and deadly hole,
While the miners' kids and wives wait at the gate.

The inspector told the boss, it was more than a year ago,
You're risking these men's lives in number five.
That hole's full of fumes and dust, full of high explosive gas,
But the boss said we'll just have to take the chance.

Waiting at the gate, we are waiting at the gate.
Smoke and fire just boil and roll from that dark and deadly hole,
While the miners' kids and wives wait at the gate.

Well, the men in the number five kissed their wives and kids goodbye,
And then they walk with their lunch kits up the hill.
Everybody told the owner that this deadly day would come,
But he said we had to work to pay our bills.

Waiting at the gate, we are waiting at the gate.
Smoke and fire just roll and boil from that dark and deadly hole,
While the miners' kids and wives wait at the gate.

Well, I try to get a look of a face I ought to know,
As the men are carried out, wrapped up in sheets.
I can hear the church bells ringing for the hundred and eleven dead,
I can hear the families weeping in the streets.

Waiting at the gate, we are waiting at the gate.
Smoke and fire just roll and boil from that dark and deadly hole,
While the miners' kids and wives wait at the gate.

This explosion struck on Wednesday,
and I stood by the gate till Saturday,
'Til they laid my daddy out with the other men.
In the pocket of his shirt, I found a little note he wrote:
"Never go down in a dangerous mine again."

Waiting at the gate, we are waiting at the gate.
Smoke and fire just roll and boil from that dark and deadly hole,
While the miners' kids and wives wait at the gate.





Gira «Hola y Adiós»

el 04/07/2024

Joaquín Sabina, el cantautor de Úbeda, ha anunciado su última gira, titulada Hola y Adiós, que comenzará en febrero de 2025 y recorrerá diversos países en América y Europa, y terminará en noviembre del mismo año, dando a sus seguidores la oportunidad de despedirse de una de las voces más influyentes de las últimas décadas.

Novedad editorial

por Xavier Pintanel el 07/06/2024

El último libro del maestro y cronista fundamental de la canción de autor Fernando González Lucini, Volad canciones, volad, nos invita a un viaje profundo y emotivo por la poesía hecha canción. Un libro, resultado de un esfuerzo monumental en investigación y documentación que reúne a los trece poetas más musicados en español, con sus trece poemas más versionados.