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Aparece en la discografía de

Why, Oh Why

Versión de Woody Guthrie
Why can't a dish break a hammer?
Why oh why oh why?!
'Cause a hammer's a hard head.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why, oh why, oh why oh, why?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Because because because because
Goodbye goodbye goodbye

Why can't a bird eat an elephant?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause an elephant's got a pretty hard skin.
Goodby goodbye goodbye.

Why can't a mouse eat a streetcar?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause a mouse's stomach could never get big enough to hold a streetcar.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why does a horn make music?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Because the horn-blower blows it.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye

Why does a cow drink water?
Tell me why n why?
Because the cow gets thirsty just like you or me or anybody else.
Goodye goodbye goodbye.

Why don't you answer my questions?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause I don't know the answers.
Goodby goodbye goodbye.

What make the landlord take money?
Why, oh why, oh why?
I don't know that one myself.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why's there no pennies for ice cream
Why, oh why, oh why?
You put all the pennies in the telephone.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why can't a rabbit chase an eagle?
Tell me why, oh why?
'Cause the last rabbit that took out and chased after an eagle didn't come
out so good and that's why rabbits don't chase after eagles that's all I
know about rabbits and eagles?
Because because because.

Why ain't my grandpa my grandma?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Same reason your dad's not your mommy.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why couldn't the wind blow backwards?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause it might backfire and hurt somebody and if it
hurt somebody it'd keep on hurting them
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.






Gira «Hola y Adiós»

el 04/07/2024

Joaquín Sabina, el cantautor de Úbeda, ha anunciado su última gira, titulada Hola y Adiós, que comenzará en febrero de 2025 y recorrerá diversos países en América y Europa, y terminará en noviembre del mismo año, dando a sus seguidores la oportunidad de despedirse de una de las voces más influyentes de las últimas décadas.

Novedad editorial

por Xavier Pintanel el 07/06/2024

El último libro del maestro y cronista fundamental de la canción de autor Fernando González Lucini, Volad canciones, volad, nos invita a un viaje profundo y emotivo por la poesía hecha canción. Un libro, resultado de un esfuerzo monumental en investigación y documentación que reúne a los trece poetas más musicados en español, con sus trece poemas más versionados.