Letras de canciones
Vota: +1


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Translated: Angela Buxton

Aparece en la discografía de

Lovely lady, i am in love with you

Versión de Raimon
Lovely lady, I am in love with you.
If only you were mine!
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.

All myself and my treasure I give
to you, charming woman.
As I give you all and wish you no harm,
give me life;
give it to me then, help me,
my soul!
Night and day, when I think of you
my heart sighs.

All the night long I am with you
I dream;
and when I awake alone, without shelter,
I feel mocked.
Don't mock me any longer: let us both sleep,
my soul.
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.

Lovely lady, I am in love with you.
If only you were mine!
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.

You have made me a great singer
and player,
well brought up; a fine troubadour,
brave and strong; jealous too,
my soul.
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.

Do not adorn yourself.Go as you are,
for I shall be very angry
if you adorn yourself and someone near me
should chance to look at you.
I want you naked, graceful gesture,
my soul.
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.

Lovely lady, I am in love with you.
If only you were mine!
Night and day, when I think of you,
my heart sighs.


1 Comentario
[14/12/2015 08:41]
Vota: +0
El tema trata sobre el enamoramiento de un hombre por una mujer,la cual es prostituta.





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