Letras de canciones
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Translated: Angela Buxton

Aparece en la discografía de

Without friends

Versión de Raimon
Without friends, goods and master,
in a strange place and in a strange region,
far from everything good, tired of worry and sadness,
my will and thought captivated,
I find myself completely subject to an evil power;
I see no one who will take care of me,
and I am guarded, caught, shackled and imprisoned,
for which I blame my sad fortune.

I saw times when nothing satisfied me;
now I am content with what makes me sad,
and now I appreciate more the light shackles
than before I did beautiful embroidery.
I see that fortune has shown its power
over me, wanting me to reach this point;
but I don't care, for I have done my duty
to all good people in whose company I am.

It is nothing for me to suffer all these wrongs
compared to the one which breaks my heart
and every day takes me further from hope:
for I see nothing that can give us a push
in preparing our liberation.

Without friends, goods or master,
in a strange place and a strange region...






Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

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Novedad discográfica

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