Letras de canciones
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Azpeitia, in the midst of Guipuzcoa, has always been a rich town. Even the bell is heard, the one from Loyola. At home you can display your distinguished background, blood and dowry, but even so, it’s difficult to marry the person you want. Unless you have been deceived, like being the main industry of Azpeitia “the teased machine”.

Aparece en la discografía de

Din don

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong
Now it is eleven,
ding dong, ding dong,
soon it will be noon, (twelve)
Dong, It’s one
ding –dong, two
Azpeitia has not
a watch like this.

My uncle, attorney,
my father, mayor,
my sisters, teachers.
Marry me!
Oh, just look at me you poor thing.
Answer me,
How is it possible you have married to those people?

My grandfather, watchmaker,
my aunt, seamstress,
my brother, missionary.
Marry me!
Oh, just look at me you poor thing
and answer me:
How is it possible you have married to those people?

At the heart of Gipuzkoa
under the Izarraitz,
deep inside the valley of Urola
in the village, you poor thing
answer me;
How is it possible you have married to those people?

1 Comentario
[03/05/2017 14:16]
Vota: +0
Hau Azkoitiarran abestia da, eta ez Azpeitikoa. Bertan esaten duen bezala Azkoitixek bezalako erlojurik ez dauke Azpeitixek





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