Elefantes song lyrics

90 songs

About Elefantes
Pop/rock band from Spain Elefantes made their live debut on October 13, 1995, at Barcelona's Aspid, to promote a six-track demo recorded earlier. In August of 1996, Elefantes made an EP, produced by ex-Traditional Tourist Cece Giannotti and released by La Col Records. They soon participated in a local compilation which featured "Dónde Estoy?" In 1998, the group self-produced El Hombre Pez. After signing up to Hispavox, ex-Heroes del Silencio Enrique Bunbury produced Elefantes' Azul, having contributions from Gabinete Caligari's Jaime Urrutia and Ella Baila Sola's vocalist Marilia. ~ Drago Bonacich