Brooklyn, NY

About Dana Dane
New York-born rap singer Dana Dane combined light-hearted rap with a love of fashion. While his recordings, including "Cinderfella Dana Dane," "A Little Bit of Dane Tonight," and "Tales From the Dane Side," established him as a powerful rapper, his tastes in clothing inspired him to open IV Plai Boutique. Although the shop has since closed, Dane continued to attract attention with his unique outfits.
Raised in the Walt Whitman housing project in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, Dane first displayed his talents as a member of a rap group, Kongol Crew, which he formed with High School of Music and Arts classmate Slick Rick. Launching his solo career after graduating from high school, Dane signed with the Profile record label in 1985. While his debut single, "Nightmare," offered hints of his talents, Dane broke through commercially with his first full-length album, Dana Dane With Fame, in 1987. The success of the album, which achieved gold record status, was matched by subsequent albums Dana Dane 4 Ever in 1990 and Rollin' Wit Dane in 1995. During a late-'90s interview, Dane described his musical approach as "writing stories that have chronological depth as well as moral values." ~ Craig Harris