Guardians of R'lyeh

Mankind is waiting for Adam's return
Looking sadly at what they've done
Blackened seas, blackened skies
They'd only told us f**king lies
Under black seas we wait
For Chtulu to awake
But it seems our day has come
Begin to rise and overthrow

Never-ending pain you'll feel
To the ancient one
Where you've put your son
Guardians of R'Lyeh

Prisons you've built by yourself
Black boxes that you can't cross
Put in pain, run away, try again
There's no escape
We choke your screams cause we like silence
It's time to shut up

Never-ending pain you'll feel
To the ancient one
Where you've put your son
Guardians of R'Lyeh

Torches burning for your skin
Rust in here no more dreams
Boiling oceans rest in peace

Grappling scratching you mannequines
Bodies fill the entire earth
Satisfy our blood thirst

Toxic seas and toxic skies
Pray and make the sacrifice
Final way to end your lies

Writer/s: Francesco Croce