Renewed Restored Reclaimed

I lived in a time before
No life or love - just wanting more

Not sure of the time or day
I just knew - I'd lost my way

Then I prayed for change to come
Then peace arrived - the past undone

Since that day - life's been real good
I'm finding my way - out of the woods

Renewed Restored Reclaimed
Into the past I will not fall
Renewed Restored Reclaimed
In the light I can see it all
Renewed Restored Reclaimed
(God has shown me all his love)
(With great strength and love for all)

Since that day - life's been real good
My vision clear - my heart understood
In God's love - I feel right
And hold on tight with all my might

When I'm up - or when I'm down
I pray for strength - to come around
God's love lives deep within me
And now my soul has been set free

And when you feel that you just can't move on
And it feels like there is nothing to hold on

And the weight of it all is hard on you
Just know that God will stand with you

Pray for strength from deep inside
You will feel your heart come alive

And in God's love - all will be fine
As the Lord is with you - all the time

Don't surrender to any fear
And just know that Jesus is near

And all the wrong will turn and run
From the light and love of God's only Son

Renew you faith and you will see
All the best - that life can be

Restore the love - deep in you
As God shows his love for me and you

Reclaim your life in your heart today

Writer/s: Scott Gagnon

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