Cut These Strings That Used To Be My Life

Cut these strings that used to be my precious life
joy and fulfilment aren't part of me anymore
this is my will calling it quits so turn it off
unplug this machine that feeds me despair
where is freedom when I can't even stop my breath
who's life is this lying here for so many years
memories and tears of yesterday is all I have now
used to feel like I owned this fucking world
but here I am embracing a device that feeds my blood
who has the right to control my will?
how can someone decide for me?
it isn't you sleeping here for so long
and I thought I had the right to choose
this is my last demand, this is my last demand
cut these strings that kill my life
this is my last demand, this is my last demand
cut these strings that used to be my life

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Day Of The Dead songs in June