Like a hand

Like a hand
life spreads out
before you.
It surrendered to you
without malice.
All that time
had made your
life spread out
like a hand.
You dived into it
head first, turgid
among the others,
and soaked with the world
you saw yourself alive.
Twenty years of time
which are nothing
-so the wise men say-
and that hand
went on closing
very slowly
but obstinately.
That which before
was called the soul
thunders loudly;
it doesn't want to believe
what your body
today realises;
and angry
it doesn't give up;
it still waits for
the powerful explosion
of this life.
It is sure of it.


Versión de Raimon


To Joan Pere Viladecans. Translated: Angela Buxton

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